Sunday, November 18, 2012
From birthday to worship
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Unlock Greatness
September 25
"What do you do when you don't know what to do?" - Ps Randy Hand, Acquaintance Night
September 26
Love overkills. - We Are Young Campus Concert at Tagoloan Community College
September 27
"I look forward." - Ps Randy Hand, Leaders' Conference
September 28
"We are young, so let's set the world on fire, cause we can burn brighter than the sun." - Love Overkill Band, We Are Young Concert
September 29
"Don't be a fan of Jesus, be His follower. Only followers receive His power to change the world." - Ps Andrew Nava, Youth Conference
"Jesus is still a big deal these days." - Ps Jason Green, Youth Conference
October 1
Yesterday was for learning and tomorrow is a consequence of today. Maximize this day. - Jars of Clay
Friday, September 21, 2012
How big is victory
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
‘Bangon CDO’ calls for action
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Christian groups march for Jesus
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Lagaan A Movie Analysis
Building Homes, Rebuilding Lives

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Spell-O-Matic Blocks
MEET Mrs Letty Maglacion – a Grade 1-Lily teacher in Bugo Central School. She has been a teacher for 28 long years. Her seniority has made her a leader in Grade 1 level for six years. At present, she is a Teacher 3 (Read: She earns quite a lot).
But it is not about the money (as Jessie J would say it in her Price Tag song) that she endures teaching little kids (Read: KIDS) but it is her passion and dedication in educating children. And this ardor has led her to what she calls Spell-O-Matic Blocks.
Curious, I asked if this is her original ‘invention.’ She proudly said yes. She baptized this IM as such, spelling out the name of the punctuation mark that squeezes in O in the middle as dash. I protested (long pause) in my mind as I remembered PDI Stylebook (Read: A journalist’s Bible) mention that hyphen, joins; dash separates. The word is a portmanteau of Spelling and Automatic.
Now let us go back to where we were before I totally go off tangent.
These blocks are made of discarded boxes. She formed a block in which each side of the slab is a letter of the English alphabet. Just in case you have forgotten, there are 26 letters of the English alphabet. The letters are mounted against a colorful backdrop.
She made a hundred of these Spell-O-Matic Blocks. There are 40 students in her class and five tables in her well-lit room. She assigns 20 blocks per table. She uses this IM in her English subject, particularly in her lesson on Building Words. I call it Spelling. She agreed.
She starts with simple words. She starts with words having a Consonant-Vowel-Consonant (CVC) structure, like the words rat and cat. Then, she moves the difficulty a notch higher to Consonant-Vowel-Vowel-Consonant (CVVC) structure, like the words meat and beat.
The students form the word/s using the blocks. They manipulate these attractive blocks.
She does drill of building words by family, meaning, for words with the CVC structure, she changes the first letter first then later the last letter – say from Cat to Rat to Bat, and so on; for the words with CVVC structure, on the other hand, she changes the first or/and the final letter – say from BeaT to MeaT or FarT to MarK, and so on.
She would make the building of words as a contest by table. And then, after the group contest she would assess them individually.
“Because of this IM, my students have become fast-readers,” she said. Furthermore, students are taught proper pronunciation of the word after they have ‘built’ the word.
I have seen it myself that the students were not bored. They are so engaged with the use of the blocks.
“It is as if they are playing, which they actually are, and yet at the same time they learn how to spell the words,” she said with a grin.
She has the same IM for Mathematics only that she calls it Place Value Blocks. On each side of the bock are numbers with labels on top to represent place values (Hundreds, Tens, and Ones).
She uses this IM in her lesson on Writing Numbers.
After English and Math, I remembered Science. She said that there is no Science subject in Grade 1 in a sense that Science, as a subject, is integrated in English. For example, students learn the parts of the flower in our English subject.
The perks of this IM? This could perhaps pass Tourism’s campaign: It is more fun in the Philippines. She said that her students have fun while learning. And for her, that is important.
This is an assignment submitted for Education 27 Principles in Teaching.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Learning ceases not
IT IS humbling to learn things that, as a practicing teacher, I thought I have known already.
I thought I knew Curriculum. But hey, Curriculum is not just about the Lesson Plan. In fact, it can be everything including the learned curriculum which refers to what the students actually learn and what is measured and even the hidden curriculum or the unintended one. These types of curriculum were such an eye opener for me.
Not only did I only realize things that matter to me but I was also inspired to pursue my plan of having my own school in the future. With the discussion on the different points of view and the historical foundations of curriculum, I have envisioned of a school that where the “seconds,” from the traditionalists point of view, are tantamount to the “firsts.” I have imagined a school where everyone is treated equally because each is different from one another.
It may sound cliché but it is true. As a practicing teacher, I have a first-hand experience of the uniqueness of each of my students in my classroom. And it is a challenge for me to cater to each of them. And as I accommodate these differences, I have appreciated the beauty of multiple intelligences.
This project in itself is a helpful and meaningful learning experience for me. This is a stepping stone for the pursuit of my dream. I am proud that this is not just a “recycled” idea but this is one that is thought of and not just lifted from the archives. This is something that is meaningful for its inspiration is base on the difference in race and belief between me and my partner.
I am different. My partner is different from me. Inside the classroom is a celebration of diversity. And what I like about this fact is the opportunity to learn from each other. I like to be in my Professional Education classes for it is an abode of ideas. There is a robust exchange of ideas, none barred, that my mind is sharpened. And I like it that way.
And the healthy argument and debate is moderated by our able and credible teacher, who inspires me and everyone in the classroom to learn more; to achieve what she has achieved and to even outgrow her.
In the end, life is all about learning. Learning ceases not. As what I have said during my first day in my Curriculum Development class, I remember: I am a teacher who is a student.
This is a Reflection Paper submitted for Education 26 Curriculum Development.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Of being a teacher
I was a church kid.
And being one means attending Sunday School where I have learned that father Abraham has seven children; that with Christ in my vessel I can smile at the storm; and that my Jesus is alive forevermore.
Other than action songs, Bible stories are also at the hub in Sunday School at church, which was just right in our backyard. And Sunday School teachers have made these stories about Noah’s Ark, David and Goliath, Joseph the Dreamer, among others, more plausible.
Looking back, the years I spent in Sunday School, along with a group of friends which we collectively call as The Gatekeepers, formed the foundation of what I know now as my passion. Teaching.
But before I have succumbed to this passion to which I believe I am wired of, I was lost in translation for a significant amount of time. I was a wallpaper – ubiquitous. I was Jack of all trades, my Muslim friend commented about me. Ouch. Although it helps that you know how to do a variety of things but to box a punch bag is better than to box the air.
Four years ago, opportunity came. It knocked. And I opened the door without hesitation.
But it feels like it was just yesterday that I started teaching. I remember my first day in the classroom. I was introduced by a senior faculty to a small group of college kids who were bigger than skinny-me. It was awkward. I asked them the last lesson they had before the teacher I replaced left because all I know is that one, it was a basic journalism class and two, I was there to teach. They answered. I was anxious. It was my first.
But everyone would always have their firsts. It takes a lot of courage to take the first step. Ask yourself. You were once a baby. After, one improves. One becomes better and consciously decides to become even better. I did that. I enrolled for additional units in Education.
In my classroom, there used to be an emphasis on declarative knowledge, but now I am even more conscious of the fact that synthesis and evaluation is way better a gauge of understanding and learning. I have shared this recently when one student had his oral examination and apparently he was simply mouthing exact words from his photocopied material.
In your own words, please, I asked him. But I was guilty. While he was struggling to own his answer, I was asking myself: How many of my students in the past were like him? How did I not teach them how to learn?
Personal gain aside, I have consciously thought of enrolling in further studies so as not to stunt the growth of my students and my future students as well.
I do not know exactly how many years or semesters or months more do I have to spend in the university as a teacher. I have thought of grabbing an opportunity in Indonesia to teach English in an international school. What better way to teach Uncle Sam’s tongue than using action songs and stories, not necessarily from the Bible. I am excited. I’d prolly make a teacher out of these kids.
This is a reflection paper submitted for Education 27 Principles of Teaching base on the 2009 Indian comedy film 3 Idiots.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Better than blisters
IT was already beyond the normal number of days one is expected to have it and the blisters were still on my body. Thank God they did not develop on my face lest I do not have the face, perhaps, to show in the Freshmen Orientation at the University of the Philippines.
Hello college life.
Towards the end of the orientation, a commotion started to brew outside the venue then eventually when the orientation hit its last note, the chant outside the hall even became louder. The freshies were welcomed by the sentiments of the aktibista, for which UP is known of, regarding the budget cut on Education made by the Arroyo administration while more funds were given to Military and Defense.
But unlike his predecessor, P-Noy has allotted a bigger chunk of the gross domestic product (GDP) to the Department of Education (DepEd), 2.2 per cent that is. This should be especially now, and especially that the state is a prime educational stakeholder, that part of the incumbent’s Educational Reform Program is K+12 system.
The said system, in a nutshell, includes the universal kindergarten, six years of elementary, four years of Junior High School, and an additional of two years for Senior High School hence the name K+12.
In the interest of the parents of the students, apparently, the new system means that they would be spending more also, with the addition of two more years in high school, than what they used to. I believe this is a main concern amongst parents.
But if you think about it, the intended benefits of the program far outweighed the costs. In a summit held in a college in Manila, Education Undersecretary for Finance Francis Valera said that the earning potential of the graduate would increase with the additional years of schooling. The income of a person who graduated from a six-year course is P35, 280 as compared to P19, 876 for a four-year high course only graduate. The difference is a lot.
For other stakeholders, especially private groups, businessmen, and non-government organizations (NGOs), the K+12 curricula means more profit that can be plowed back (and prestige of course) as supporting and investing means more publicity and media mileage.
The restructure of the basic education system also means a most-likely increase in productivity for their company or organization because the K+12 system aims to better prepare the students emotionally and intellectually. So they would have more competitive would-be employees whose market is not just restricted to the local but as well as overseas. With the K+12, Filipinos can now be more competitive than with the old system as they meet and conform to the standards in the international market.
We see that with the K+12, stakeholders have to shell out more but in the end these costs are offset by the quality of the produce.
To prepare for this ‘major, major’ change in the education sector, materials are now being prepared for the different learning areas, as well as learning resources like teachers’ guides, activity packages, and student modules. More facilities as well are expected to be procured and built.
So noble the aims of this change in the Philippine educational system but what good will it do if one, the attitude of the students towards learning remain yet to be desired. We hear students complaining about the extra two years in high school.
But for me, I’d rather whine about having chicken pox for the second time around than going to high school two more years.
This is an assignment for Education 26 Curriculum Development.
Friday, January 27, 2012
THE interaction we had with the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) sheltered in the covered court of the university had me thinking of the task remaining. There is still a humungous scale of work that needs to be done to help these IDPs.
House. They badly need a house. Not a tent. I can attest to how pathetic it is not to have a house because I once lost our house to fire nine years ago.
And how many IDPs need houses? Thousands. It makes me wonder how many days do they still have to endure living in tents. It makes me wonder how many days does it take to finish a single house. It makes me count the days it take to house ALL of the IDPs.
But more than the physical structure of the house, these people need a home. Home may never be the same again for these people because they might have lost a member or two of their family but at least they have people whom they can pour out their emotions to.
After our short intervention with eight of the IDPs, one came up to us and with a genuine smile and tone of her voice she said Salamat. That was so sweet to our ears. From my end, I do not know exactly what we have done knowing that it was too short a time to prepare but the response was a gauge of our efficiency.
The intervention was simple. We had it focused on living with each other in harmony. But it achieved its purpose. After the Trust Fall challenge, they started processing the activity. They talked. We listened. We learned.
Sendong may be gone but it left everyone valuable lessons.
I remember. After my Curriculum Development class, I hurriedly went out and headed to the covered court for the final rehearsal of the Broadway presentation for the university-wide Christmas party slated on Dec 17 2011. I was pumped. At home, I had my black satin long pants, vest, white long sleeves, black shoes, and to top it all, my fedora hat ala Bruno Mars ready.
New York, New York. It seems that I have raped the play button for that song in my brain. I just could not get over of Frank Sinatra’s song that celebrates the city that never sleeps.
But that party has to be canceled and so are most of the Christmas parties I know. It would not be right that we will be partying while there were many on that night who were disturbed from their sleep, who were carried away by the deluge Sendong brought forth and some were found and some were not even up until now.
These are the days, I reflected, when we think less of ourselves and more of others.
This is a reflection paper submitted for Education 010 Community Immersion and Participation.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
KEDRN conquers mud, rubbish
“Any calamity nga mahitabo, it will not just be a crisis but as well as an opportunity. This could be the best opportunity for us nga ipakita sa Cagayan de Oro nga we do care sa Cagayan de Oro,” stressed Bishop Genesis “Bong” Udang, director of Kagay-an Evangelical Disaster Response Network (KEDRN), as he addressed volunteers of the clean-up drive.
Almost 600 volunteers from the evangelical community gathered Friday morning in the kiosk and were armed with brushes, broom sticks, wheel burrow, rakes and shovel and spread themselves in the streets from Burgos-Montalban to Abellanosa to clean the area – houses and halls included.
Czarinavern Nokom, 15, a volunteer from the LAMP Foundation and a member of Jesus for All Bugo said that she was invited and “Tsada sad siya kay makatabang bitaw. Grabe ilang pasalamat then kanang na overwhelm sila kay bisag dili mi kaila, nag tabang mi sa ila then daghan pud mi natabang.”
Mrs Eva C Corro, 66, a resident of barangay 13 was hesitant at first to accommodate volunteers to help her clean her house but “sa diha nga nakit-an nako nga eager kaayo sila, nalipay kay ko. Ana ko nga ‘sige, you may start folding your sleeves’.”
“Naminos-minosan gyud kaayo ang among buluhaton ug labaw sa tanan kay naa pa ang Iyang panalangin. Ug kini ilang gipahinumdom kanato nga matag karon ug unya, nagkinahanglan gyud kita ug panalangin sa Ginoo ug di gyud ta malimot sa pagsangpit kaniya all the time, all the way,” says Corro.
Volunteers conquered thick mud and heaps of garbage that have been the concern of residents, other than water, in the said vicinity after TS Sendong hit the city last December 16.
Barangay 15 Captain Lucilo P Legaspi said that 90 percent of the rubbish in the streets was disposed already. But there remains much to be cleaned inside houses.
“Pagkakarun, kung sa dalan lang nga basura, naa nami sa 90 percent. Nakuha naman gud sa barangay. Daghan man pud ang naghakot. Sa dalan maingun ko 90 percent pero sa mga balay-balay, naa pa siguro mi sa 50 percent nga panghinloon,” says Legaspi.
Bishop Udang, in his message addressed to the volunteers who were waiting for their lunch meal in Jesus is Christ Lord Church, said that the need caused by the typhoon presented an opportunity for the evangelical community in the city.
“Sa Chinese character kung magsulat daw ka ug word nga crisis, ininsik, mabantayan nimo nga mao ra pud nga character ang pagbasa nimo nga ang ipasabot is opportunity,” he shared and mentioned that it is an insight he learned in a training with the Peace and Reconciliation Commission.
“Crisis sa Cagayan de Oro pero opportunity sa Kingdom of God or sa evangelical community to show to Cagayan de Oro that ‘Here we are, nia mi mga evangelical and we care for you. We are willing to serve you. We are willing nga among himuon among kamot nga dirty nga para maalagaran mo’,” he continued.
The support of the pastors of the evangelical community in the city was overwhelming that the number of volunteers went beyond the 400 mark anticipated during the planning stage of the activity. The organizers are hoping that there will be another round of such activity after New Year.
Cagayan de Oro Evangelical Ministers’ Association (COEMA) and Metro Cagayan Ministers’ Fellowship (MCMF) are just two groups that have tied up with KEDRN. Other groups linked to the latter are International Disaster Response Network (IDRN), Operation Blessing, and the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches.
The Department of Social Welfare Department (DSWD), tasked by the national government to spearhead relief operations, recognizes the efforts of KEDRN.
CCMN responds to Sendong aftermath
“We cannot wait because time is short. People are running out of time. We have to respond quickly,” says Daniel Yiu, team leader.
Two members of the team, Joseph Tsao and Wen Wei, are Taiwanese nationals who are experts in disaster response. They have participated in rescuing and rebuilding operations in Sichuan, China after an earthquake shook the said province in 2008.
Other members of the team are Bikshan Cheng, a freelance writer, and Ivan Chan, a public health specialist who has worked with World Vision in China.
“My schedule is very flexible so when my church call people to come to help people in the Philippines. I just raised my hand and said ‘Ok I can do it. I can fly to that area,’” says Pixan.
“These people come and give us some good ideas and suggestions on what to do,” says Daniel.
The team has visited areas ravaged by the flashflood like Isla de Oro and Sitio Kala-kala.
“Actually, we have seen the actual situation and talked to some victims and understood their story and (we will) bring back true story to tell the people,” says Daniel, who was also a missionary to India for 12 years.
One of the concerns in flood-stricken areas is community and house cleaning so the team bought a pressure washer and a water pump. It has demonstrated to the local people in Montalban, Burgos and Isla Delta how to use these machines for sucking water from the river and for cleaning muddied houses.
Before going home, the team visited Calaanan relocation site for a prayer walk. Reportedly, 200 tents will be temporarily pitched in the said site on Dec 29, 2011 to shelter internally displaced persons (IDP) coming from evacuation centers. CCMN might be able to sponsor a number of houses for IDPs to be built in the permanent relocation site.
In January 2009, when a flashflood hit Cagayan de Oro mainly in the same areas TS Sendong wreaked havoc, CCMN has donated semi-concrete type of houses.
CCMN has been a long-time partner of Celebration International Church Network and Foundation. It sends teams of short-term missionaries annually to the Philippines.
BUKAL conducts training on trauma counseling

Balikatan, Ugnayan, Kaagapay, at Lingap (BUKAL) Life Care and Counseling Center conducted a three-day disaster response training in light of the havoc caused by typhoon Sendong in Cagayan de Oro on Dec 16 2011.
“If you would come and see our counseling motto, we have this ‘Spiritually aware, clinically competent’ so we respect the spirituality of the person and we help them out cope with their crisis through their spirituality. But we don’t neglect the psychological discipline. So it is a combination of theology and psychology together,” Rev Joel Aguirre, Executive Director of BUKAL, explained.
BUKAL, which means spring, a source of fresh water, follows a certain method of stress debriefing from the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA). There are three points that the trainees follow: (1) SS - Safety and Security is building rapport and explaining to the victims the agenda of the session; (2) VV - Validation and Ventilation is acknowledging that the victims were traumatized and allowing them to vent out their feeling; (3) PP - Preparation and Prediction is allowing them to find their own strength, and building certain decision making how they can cope with their crisis.
“The conclusion part we try to educate them (victims) and encourage them to keep on hoping. They have to build their hope so they may be able to keep on with their life and cope with their crisis,” Reverend Aguirre continues.
From Oro Christian Grace School, venue of the training, the trainees, ‘spiritual paramedics,’ will be sent to evacuation centers on the last day for their internship.
“Importante jud diay kaayo nga naa gyuy kanang maistoryahan ang isa ka biktima. Dapat gyud sensitibo ka, dapat masabtan nimo sila bisan unsa pa ilang e-express,” Ps Rosemarie Eduave International Disaster Response Network (IDRN) volunteer, shares her lessons in the training.
Typhoon Sendong, that claimed a thousand of lives in Northern Mindanao, especially in Cagayan de Oro, changed the plan of the team of Reverend Aguirre who came here originally for another seminar.
“What had happened like we come here for that another matter, but the disaster happened so it all changed so as much as we have a training in disaster response we want to be relevant,” Reverend Aguirre recalls.
BUKAL Life Ministries, a non-denominational Christian Ministry based in Baguio City, was officially formed in November 2009 in response to the damage of typhoon Pepeng (International Name: Parma) to Benguet Province.